Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) D&D Dispute Resolution
For questions or requests for fee mitigation, refund, or waiver contact Flexports Disputes Resolution Team, disputes@flexport.com, Tel: 415-231-5252.
When contacting the Dispute Resolution Team, please include the following information at a minimum. You can copy and paste these fields into your preferred email program. Additional details may be requested as the dispute resolution process progresses.
- Client Name
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date
- Line Item: [This is the line item on the bill]
- Detention Days Disputing: [# Days invoiced]
- Demurrage Days Disputing: [# Days invoiced]
- Dispute Amount: [Amount for all line items being disputed]
- Reason for Dispute
If you have general inquiries regarding disputes please email disputes@flexport.com, or call 415-231-5252.
Disputes will be reviewed and resolved within 30 calendar days of receipt. Disputes must be received within 30 days of invoice receipt by the billed party to be considered. In the event we are unable to resolve your dispute within 30 days we will work with the submitting party on an agreed upon date to complete the dispute by.
This disputes form complies with the Dispute Resolution requirements under 46 CFR 541.6(d). Disputes are not considered valid unless filed timely with the required minimum information.
FMC Tariff 025219-001, Rule No. 2-004: URL - https://members.dpiusa.com/members/tariffs/rules/show?rule_nbr=2-004++&tar_code=025219-001&view=all